Product Verification
Dear customer:
Please double filling the verification code, and submit you E-mail address to us! Only correct Query Code will be verified successful!
Well done! You successfully read this important alert message.
Query Code verified successful!
Your Query Code: 4520938853 has been verified 3 Times!
Locate the security label, like the one shown below, on the package and remove the scratch off coating to see the code. Example:

If there is no label on the package or the label is different from the one shown in the example, your product cannot be verified. This does not mean that the product is counterfeit.
Only products sold offline have a security code on the package. We promise that all the products purchased through our Authorized Retailers or Distributors and Online Channels are genuine.
The security code applies to products sold in these countries or regions.
Asia: India, Bangladesh, Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar, Maldives, Kuwait, Iran, Israel, Yemen, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Iraq, Saudi Arabia (KSA), Jordan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Brunei, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia
Europe: Turkey, Albania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Serbia, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Azerbaijan
Africa: Algeria, Egypt, Lybia, Morocco, South Africa, Tunisia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Mauritius
South America: Paraguay, Suriname
Oceania: Australia, New Zealand